2019 English Language

  1. Choose the one nearest in meaning to the word(s) in bracket

Okibe was rusticated for his [derogatory] remark about the principal

  • A. complimentary
  • B. unwarranted
  • C. lack luster
  • D. unsavoury
  1. Choose the one nearest in meaning to the word(s) in bracket

Some men will continue to cause offences until they are given [a taste of their own medicine]

  • A. placated
  • B. revenged on
  • C. cured
  • D. recompensed for
  1. Choose the one nearest in meaning to the word(s) in bracket

Justice is difficult to enforce because people are unwilling to accept any loss of [sovereignty]

  • A. positing
  • B. leadership
  • C. autonomy
  • D. kingdom
  1. His many years of success in legal practice, ………….. , didn’t come out without challenges
  • A. but
  • B. in spite of all
  • C. indeed
  • D. However
  1. Choose the word that has the same rhyme 


  • A. climb
  • B. bind
  • C. time
  • D. lime
  1. Choose the one nearest in meaning to the word(s) in bracket

There are still [virtuous] women in our society today

  • A. devilish
  • B. clever
  • C. intelligent
  • D. upright
  1. Choose the one nearest in meaning to the word(s) in bracket.

This type of response is [typical] of a lazy teacher

  • A. symptomatic
  • B. characteristics
  • C. universal
  • D. incontestable
  1. Choose the word with the same vowel sound as the one in bracket


  • A. elite
  • B. impasse
  • C. cacophony
  • D. sharp
  1. Choose the word with the same vowel sound as the one in bracket
  • A. kite
  • B. says
  • C. cacophony
  • D. cage



Read the Passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The term Mass Communication occurs when information is disseminated to a relatively large number of people in different places. it should be seen as the same thing with talking face to face with someone else. With mass communication, there is no answer, smile, laugh or lock of surprise. the people who receive the message are as far away from the source of the message as far away as you are from the announcers on the radio or from the newscasters on television, or from the writer of a column in the local newspaper.
There are three identifiable means of errors in mass communication. There is one done through the printed words, books, magazine and newspapers. The other is primarily radio, but also records and tape recordings. Also, it can be done through a combination of sound and pictures as in television, films and the more recently popular video tape. Together, they are referred to as the mass media.
All media can be used to inform and entertain. However, there are coverts roles played. It may be to educate as in school broadcast. Again, the aim may be to persuade as when the media are used by advertisers or for political broadcasts. The media are often in strong position to influence public opinion because they select the topics to be presented and can stress the importance of one issue over the other.
The mass media have, in recent times, come under acerbic criticism. Many presenters have become not only conscientized but also immensely concerned about the possible effects that science of violence and bad behavior may have on their children. More worrisome are the potential danger of political and commercial propaganda.

  1. A suitable title for the above passage can be:
  • A. Mass communication
  • B. The mass media and the people
  • C. The purpose of mass media
  • D. The good and the bad side of the media
  1. The means of mass media can be summarized into:
  • A. Radio, Television and Newspaper
  • B. Newspaper,books and journals
  • C. Print and Electronic
  • D. Print, Electronic and Advertisement
  1. One of the following is NOT true in the passage
  • A. Mass communication don’t talk
  • B. Mass communication don’t personalize discourse
  • C. Mass media determine what the public gets to know
  • D. All of the above
  1. One major source of worry about the mass media is from?
  • A. Broadcasting
  • B. Advertisement
  • C. Political rallies
  • D. News casting
  1. All the following are roles of the media but?
  • A. Entertainment
  • B. Sensitization
  • C. Information
  • D. Moralization


Choose the most appropriate option for each group for questions

Alice, a small fragile-looking Ugandan mother, is dying of AIDS. She lives with her son and daughter in a tin-roofed shack on the …..1… of Kampala. When her husband died of AIDS in 1987, Alice discovered she was HIV positive. Frequent …2….. of sickness forced her to give up her embroidery job. She was so depressed that she just wanted to eat. ….3…. by a neighbour, the mobile care unit from Nsambya hospital went to her home. They convinced her to start taking proper ..4……. After three months of ….5…. treatment, she regained her will to live. The AIDS time bomb …..6… on relentlessly. The World Health Organization ….7…. that 1.8 million Ugandans are HIV positive, nearly one in eight of the total population. The Ugandan AIDS Commission set up by President Museveni ..8…… the spread of the disease. However, under-porting and the lack of post-mortem and …9….. makes it impossible to establish exact figures. No one ….10…. that it is a disaster far worse than the years of civil war.

  1. Alice, a small fragile-looking Ugandan mother, is dying of AIDS. She lives with her son and daughter in a tin-roofed shack on the …..1… of Kampala.
  • A. Outskirts
  • B. Suburbs
  • C. Interior
  • D. Outside
  1. When her husband died of AIDS in 1987, Alice discovered she was HIV positive. Frequent …2….. of sickness forced her to give up her embroidery job.
  • A. sufferings
  • B. Happenings
  • C. Rounds
  • D. Bouts
  1. She was so depressed that she just wanted to eat. ….3…. by a neighbour, the mobile care unit from Nsambya hospital went to her home.
  • A. Attracted
  • B. Visited
  • C. Noticed
  • D. Alerted
  1. They convinced her to start taking proper ..4…….
  • A. Cure
  • B. Medication
  • C. Measures
  • D. Precautions
  1. After three months of ….5…. treatment, she regained her will to live.
  • A. Intensive
  • B. Healthy
  • C. Safe
  • D. Heavy
  1. The AIDS time bomb …..6… on relentlessly.
  • A. Strikes
  • B. Burns
  • C. Ticks
  • D. Drops
  1. The World Health Organization ….7…. that 1.8 million Ugandans are HIV positive, nearly one in eight of the total population.
  • A. Judges
  • B. Supposes
  • C. proposes
  • D. Estimates
  1. The Ugandan AIDS Commission set up by President Museveni ..8…… the spread of the disease.
  • A. Limits
  • B. Anticipates
  • C. Monitors
  • D. Increases

View Answer & Discuss JAMB 2019

  1. However, under-porting and the lack of post-mortem and …9….. makes it impossible to establish exact figures.
  • A. Facilities
  • B. Amenities
  • C. Condition
  • D. Provisions
  1. No one ….10…. that it is a disaster far worse than the years of civil war.
  • A. Denies
  • B. Claims
  • C. Rejects
  • D. Imagines
  1. He was both a writer and a politician, but he was better …….. a singer
  • A. As if
  • B. Like
  • C. As
  • D. to be
  1. Vacancies in the company will be notified by …..
  • A. Bulletin
  • B. Publication
  • C. Publicity
  • D. advertisement
  1. The driver was short of petrol, so he …….. down the road with the engine switched off
  • A. glided
  • B. coasted
  • C. wheeled
  • D. taxied
  1. He started his career as an …….. teacher
  • A. auxilary
  • B. auxilliary
  • C. auxiliary
  • D. auxillary
  1. Jide couldn’t have said that. This means that Jide
  • A. ought not say that
  • B. will not say that
  • C. it’s not likely jide said it
  • D. Jide didn’t say it
  1. Bolu shall be the M.C. This means that
  • A. Bolu may be the M.C
  • B. no one else will be the M.C
  • C. later in life, Bolu will become an M.C
  • D. Bolu may not be the M.C
  1. Bridget denied that she wasn’t there. This means that
  • A. She confessed that she wasn’t there
  • B. She owned up not to be there
  • C. She maintained she was there
  • D. She maintained she wasn’t there
  1. Had it not rained, it wouldn’t have been so bad
  • A. It was so bad because it didn’t rain
  • B. it rained and so it wasn’t bad
  • C. it wasn’t bad because it rained
  • D. it rained and that made it so bad
  1. If he had spoken up, he wouldn’t have been given. This means that
  • A. he spoke up and was given
  • B. he wasn’t given because he spoke up
  • C. he didn’t speak up and wasn’t given
  • D. he was given because he didn’t speak up
  1. Choose the one opposite in meaning to the word underlined.

The police officer looks pudgy

  • A. tall and lean
  • B. short and slim
  • C. short and fat
  • D. tall and fat
  1. Choose the one opposite in meaning to the word underlined.

After the wedding, the wife became anorexic

  • A. obese
  • B. melancholic
  • C. excited
  • D. skinny
  1. Choose the one opposite in meaning to the word(s) underlined.

Procrastination is the enemy of progress

  • A. acceleration
  • B. laziness
  • C. hardwork
  • D. tiredness
  1. Choose the one opposite in meaning to the word(s) underlined.

Chief Money-Miss-Road is a sitting duck

  • A. vulnerable
  • B. invincible
  • C. lazy
  • D. quick-witted
  1. Choose the one opposite in meaning to the word(s) underlined.

I abhor a traitor

  • A. fallacious person
  • B. reveler of secrets
  • C. progressive element
  • D. keeper of secrets
  1. Choose the word with the same vowel sound as the one in bracket


  • A. Sole
  • B. sun
  • C. scissors
  • D. comb
  1. Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one in bracket


  • A. television
  • B. arch
  • C. champagne
  • D. chest
  1. Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one in bracket;


  • A. worth
  • B. wealthy
  • C. brother
  • D. dress
  1. Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one in bracket


  • A. whistle
  • B. bed
  • C. set
  • D. Third
  1. Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one in bracket;


  • A. loose
  • B. sue
  • C. refuse
  • D. phones
  1. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern
  • A. calender
  • B. aloud
  • C. mechanic
  • D. convivial
  1. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern
  • A. enlighten
  • B. unwanted
  • C. agitate
  • D. Informal
  1. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern
  • A. incinerator
  • B. indicate
  • C. increase
  • D. euphemism
  1. Choose the word that has the same rhyme scheme.

  • A. mint
  • B. rice
  • C. fried
  • D. case
  1. In each of the questions, the word in capital letters has the emphatic stress, Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.

The traditional chief NARRATED the story to the children

  • A. the children heard the story from the traditional chief
  • B. who narrated the story to the children
  • C. the children could not listen to the story by the traditional chief
  • D. did the chief hide the story from the children
  1. In each of the questions, the word in capital letters has the emphatic stress, Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.

The ACCOUNTANT paid the workers july salary in september

  • A. when were the workers paid
  • B. did the cashier pay the workers salary in september
  • C. workers received their july salary in september
  • D. the september salary was paid in july

View Answer & Discuss JAMB 2019

  1. In each of the questions, the word in capital letters has the emphatic stress, Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.

The cat DEVOURED the rat

  • A. did the rat devour the cat
  • B. what devoured the rat
  • C. did the cat pet the rat
  • D. is this rat that the cat devoured



With its radiant color and plant-like shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than animal. More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like a flower for which is named, with body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades; blue, pink, green and red. Its diameters vary from about six millimeters in some species to more than ninety centimeters in the giant verities of Australia. Like corals, hydras and jelly fish, sea anemones are coelenterates. They can move slowly, but more often they attach the lower part of their cylindrical bodies to rocks, shells or wharf pilings.
The upper and end of the sea anemone has a mouth surrounded by tentacles which the animal uses to capture its food. Stinging cells in the tentacles throw out tiny poison threads that paralyze other small sea animals. The tentacles then drag this prey into the sea anemone’s mouth.The food is digested in the large inner body cavity. When disturbed, a sea anemone retracts its lump on a rock. Anemones may reproduce by forming eggs. dividing in half or developing buds that grow and break off as independent animals.


  1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
  • A. The characteristics of sea anemones
  • B. The variation of sea life
  • C. The defense of coelenterates
  • D. A comparison of land and sea animals
  1. The word ‘shapes’ in line 1 is closest meaning to
  • A. Nature
  • B. Length
  • C. Form
  • D. Grace
  1. The author compares sea anemone’s tentacles to a flower’s
  • A. Stem
  • B. Petals
  • C. Leaves
  • D. roots
  1. It can be inferred from the passage that sea anemones are
  • A. attached to stationary surfaces
  • B. hidden inside cylindrical objects
  • C. searching for food
  • D. floating among underwater flowers
  1. The word ‘capture’ as used in the passage means
  • A. cover
  • B. catch
  • C. clean
  • D. control


Read the passage and choose the most appropriate option for each gap.

Just after …1….. the aircraft gave a shudder and coughed. The pilot, from the ..2…… activated the emergency sheet to cover the improperly secured left rear ….3…. At the same time, he pushed a button on the panel to activate automatic turning, and the airplane ….4…. north-east He called the control ….5…. to report the misshaped requested clearance for emergency ….6….The plane circled the airport and prepared to return to the airport it had just left. Moments later, the aircraft ….7….to stop on a ….8…. ….9…. in oilskin ran in the light drizzle and were soon perched on the ….10…. of the plane, from where they began their inspection.


  1. Just after …1….. the aircraft gave a shudder and coughed.
  • A. Departure
  • B. take off
  • C. leaving
  • D. flying
  1. The pilot, from the …..2… activated the emergency sheet
  • A. cabin
  • B. cubicle
  • C. cockpit
  • D. cab
  1. …to cover the improperly secured left rear ….3….
  • A. hatch
  • B. door
  • C. entrance
  • D. gate
  1. At the same time, he pushed a button on the panel to activate automatic turning, and the aeroplane ….4…. north-east
  • A. faced
  • B. moved
  • C. switched
  • D. veered
  1. He called the control ….5…. to report the mishap
  • A. office
  • B. Department
  • C. Building
  • D. Tower
  1. and requested clearance for emergency …6…..
  • A. return
  • B. landing
  • C. stopping
  • D. arrival
  1. The plane circled the airport and prepared to return to the airport it had just left. Moments later, the aircraft …7…..
  • A. ran
  • B. eased
  • C. taxied
  • D. skied
  1. to stop on a …8…..
  • A. park
  • B. field
  • C. tarmac
  • D. runway
  1. ….9…. in oilskin ran in the light drizzle
  • A. workers
  • B. engineers
  • C. fitters
  • D. repairers
  1. and were soon perched on the …10….. of the plane, from where they began their inspection.
  • A. apex
  • B. nose
  • C. tip
  • D. front


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