2020 Biology
- The hormone which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood is called?
- A. Adrenalin
- B. Auxin
- C. Insulin
- D. Thyroxine
- Deamination occurs in the?
- A. Kidney
- B. Pancreas
- C. Spleen
- D. Liver
- In an agricultural ecosystem, the biotic component consists of
- A. crops, pests and beneficial insects
- B. crops, temperature and humidity
- C. pests, beneficial insects and water
- D. crops, water and soil
- Epiphytes growing on the branches of trees provide an example of the relationship known as?
- A. parasitism
- B. commensalism
- C. saprophytism
- D. holophytism
- The hypha of rhizopus is said to be non-septate because it
- A. does not contain chloropyll
- B. has no cross wall
- C. is vacuoled
- D. stores oil globus
- The function of ribosome in cells is
- A. protein synthesis
- B. starch synthesis
- C. transport of material
- D. lipid storage
- In which of the following does external fertilization take place?
- A. toad
- B. lizard
- C. bird
- D. cockroach
- The villus in the small intestine is significant because
- A. Increases the surface area for absorption
- B. increases the surface area for digestion
- C. assists in mixing digested food
- D. assists in filtering undigested food
- The butterfly is of great economic importance because
- A. of it’s use in scientific studies
- B. it sucks nectar from flowers
- C. it adds to the beauty of the environment
- D. it pollinates flowers of crops and other plants
- The bright colours of the comb and feathers in the peacock are for?
- A. sex differentiation
- B. beauty
- C. courtship
- D. defence
- What is the term used to describe biotic and abiotic factors in the environment of the organism?
- A. habitat
- B. biome
- C. ecosystem
- D. ecological niche
- Which of the following instruments is NOT used in measuring abiotic factors in any habitat?
- A. microscope
- B. thermometer
- C. hygrometer
- D. windvane
- The smallest living organism which share the characteristics of both living and non-living matter are
- A. bacteria
- B. fungi
- C. viruses
- D. protozoa
- The process by which a red blood cell placed in distilled water absorbs water until it burst and realease it’s content into the surrounding is known as
- A. osmosis
- B. plasmolysis
- C. turgidity
- D. hemolysis
- Which of the following waste products in plants is excreted through the stomata and lenticles?
- A. carbon dioxide
- B. alkaloids
- C. tannins
- D. anthoocyanins
Use the diagram to answer the question
The vertebra illustrated is
- A. lumber
- B. thoracic
- C. caudal
- D. cervical
Use the diagram to answer the question
The neural arch is labelled
- A. i
- B. ii
- C. iii
- D. iv
- The excretory structure in the earthworm is the
- A. malphighian tubule
- B. flame cell
- C. nephridium
- D. kidney
- In which of the following vertebrates does the skin function as a respiratory surface
- A. rat
- B. lizard
- C. fish
- D. frog
- The process of walking is under the control of the part of the brain called
- A. optic lobe
- B. olfactory lobe
- C. cerebellum
- D. medulla oblongata
- The ability of the eyes to focus on both near and distance objects is termed
- A. image formation
- B. refraction
- C. hypermetropia
- D. accommodation
- A group of organism of different species living in a particular area is described as a
- A. colony
- B. community
- C. population
- D. niche
- The biological association that contributes directly to succession in a community is
- A. competition
- B. predation
- C. parasitism
- D. commensalism
- Floating microscopic heterotrophs are mostly grouped as
- A. phytoplankton
- B. zooplankton
- C. microbes
- D. nekton
- Vaccination is carried out in order to
- A. check the production of poison
- B. increase the activities of white blood cells
- C. increase the number of red blood cells
- D. stimulate the production of anti-bodies
- For growth to occur in organisms, the rate of
- A. anabolism must exceed that of catabolism
- B. catabolism must exceed that of anabolism
- C. food storage must be low
- D. food storage must be high
- The probability of a baby being a boy or a girl depends on the contribution of the
- A. father’s sex cells
- B. father’s stomatic chromosome
- C. mother’s sex cell
- D. mother’s X-chromosome
- Both recesssive and dominant characters are found
- A. on different chromosome in the cell
- B. at the same logus of a homologous chromosome
- C. at a different loci of a homologous chromosome
- D. on the same chromatid in a chromosome
- In a population of living things, the parameters of size, height, weight and colours are examples of
- A. continuous variation
- B. non-heritable variation
- C. discontinuous variation
- D. physiological variation
Use the diagram to answer the question.
The process of water loss and intake indicated by the arrows labelled i and ii are respectively
- A. evaporation and osmosis
- B. osmosis and exhalation
- C. osmosis and diffusion
- D. urination and diffusion
- The noticeable adaptation of the animal to it’s aquatic habitat is the possession of
- A. webbed digits
- B. four limb
- C. wide mouth
- D. large eyes
- Paternity disputes can most accurately be resolved through the use of
- A. blood group typing
- B. finger printing
- C. tongue rolling
- D. DNA Analysis
Use the table below to answer the question.
High relative humidity will be expected in Zones
- A. ii and iv
- B. ii and iii
- C. i and iii
- D. i and iv
Use the table to answer the question.
Which of the zones is likely to be a desert?
- A. i
- B. ii
- C. iii
- D. iv
- When bacteria swim from cold to warm regions, this is known as
- A. positive phototaxis
- B. negative phototaxis
- C. positive thermotaxis
- D. negative chemotaxis
- The only caste in the termite colony whose members can feed themselves are the
- A. workers
- B. reproductives
- C. soldiers
- D. nymphs
- Which of the following is the best explanation for a child who is phenotypically short and born of two tall parents
- A. both parent possess genes for shortness
- B. the father possess a gene for shortness
- C. nature makes the child short
- Which of the following vertebrates has the most simple structured heart
- A. reptile
- B. fish
- C. mammal
- D. Amphibian
Use the diagram to answer the question.
The type of protective adaption exhibited by the animal is
- A. disruptive colouration
- B. flash colouration
- C. countershading colouration
- D. warning colouration
Use the diagram to answer the question.
The structure labelled i is
- A. photosensitive
- B. radiosensitive
- C. chemoreceptive
- D. tactile